15th Nov – Mindset Mapping your Journey
November 15, 2019
Mindset Mapping your Journey workshop to be held in Melbourne. Phase 1: (pre-tour workshop): Mindset & Mapping your journey. This will take place prior to take off and will be an evening event in Melbourne or if interstate online. The aim of the workshop is to discuss your objectives, both personally and professionally then map out your objectives for the tour and business masterclass. It’s also a perfect time to acquaint yourself with the cohort of professionals joining the New York Study Tour 2019.
18th Nov – Day 1, settling into New York City
November 18, 2019
Day One 18/11 Settling into The Big Apple. Arrival, a leisure day post hotel check-in have some time to chill. We will have a chance to orientate ourselves with NYC and our fellow travellers with a lovely evening of introductions. A “meet and greet” at 6pm followed by a Healthy Dinner and Early Night (to fight off the jet lag) at one of New York’s top dining venues. The night will ease you into the tour and allow you to enjoy the atmosphere and discuss the plans for the days ahead.
19th November, Day 2 Ambition, Tour & Networking
November 19, 2019
DAY 2 Ambition, Tour & Networking 19th November NYC in a Day starts at 8.30am with a networking breakfast and Ambition Workshop led by the quintessential Tony McGinn OAM. You will have the opportunity to map out YOUR business, YOUR personal ambitions and YOUR objectives for what to achieve out of this tour and the next couple of days at conference with Tony’s guidance, advice and expertise.
19th November, Day 2“Walk like a Boss TOUR”
November 19, 2019
19th November, Day 2“Walk like a Boss TOUR” 111:00 am Post breakfast workshop we will head out to walk the sights of New York and spend time getting to know each other. The tour will include walking down to the The High Line- model of urban regeneration taking in the sights followed by lunch downtown near Battery Park. 2:30 pm Post lunch we have a tour and boat trip around the statue of liberty and return later in the afternoon.
19th November, Day 2 Network like Carrie Bradshaw
November 19, 2019
19th November, Day 2 Network like Carrie Bradshaw The evening we will host the Art of Networking and Advocacy event – Digital Women’s Network signature event. The night will be an opportunity to workshop networking skills as well as a fun night of drinks followed by dinner. We will cover off the fundamentals of the different networking style in New York, Co-hosted by Tony McGinn and Digital Women’s Network team all within the surrounds of a top NYC hot spot- so you can Network like Carrie
November 20, 2019
20th November, DAY 3 WORLD BUSINESS FORUM Full day @ David H Koch Theater, 20 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023 USA 9-10:30am Jim Collins Achieving Greatness in Turbulent Times 10:30 coffee break (networking opportunity) 11:15- 12:15 Hal Gregersen, Beyond Creativity; Unlock Innovation 12:15 Lunch (networking opportunity) 1:45-2:45 Kory Kogon- Building a Culture of Extraordinary Productivity 2:45- 3:45 Ian Williamson- Leading your Organisation through the complexities of Change 3:45 Coffee Break (networking opportunity) 4:15-5:30 Simon Sinek- Leading with an Infinite Mindset Optional dinner with the Digital
November 21, 2019
21st November, DAY 4 WORLD BUSINESS FORUM Full day David H Koch Theater, 20 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023 USA 9:00am-10:30am Gary Hamel- Humanoracy: Rethinking the Principles of Management 10:30am- Coffee Break (networking opportunity) 11:15-12:15 Zoe Chance- Mastering Influence and Persuasion 12:15 Lunch (networking opportunity) 1:45-3:00 Marcus Buckingham- Leading a New World of Work 3:00-4:00 Janet Yellen- Perspectives on the future of the Global Economy 4:00pm- Coffee Break (networking opportunity) 4:30-5:30 Randi Zuckerberg- Putting Digital Technology to Work for you. A Free evening- take in a Broadway show! See our website for more info.
November 22, 2019
IDEAS WITHOUT ACTION DON’T GET RESULTS Exclusive Business Masterclass Guided and Hosted by Tony McGinn OAM. Kicking off at 8:30am, We will have an in depth look at what we learnt over the two day conference, Tony McGinn OAM will present a framework on how to apply these to your business. Scope your Ambition on a three year Horizon Frame up your addressable markets over that timeline Look at who is the ideal client? Construct macro Cadence Runway and resource plan 12:30am- We will be joined for lunch with a guest speaker (to be advised via Tony and the The Executive Connection). A Business Leader who has ran global businesses including offices in the USA, with TO in
November 22, 2019
22nd November, DAY 5 LEADERSHIP SPEAKING & TOUR OF CENTRAL PARK. CLOSE WITH DINNER AND DRINKS. 12:30am- We will be joined for lunch with a guest speaker (to be advised). 2pm Leadership Speaking session with Carmen Sederino from Illuminated Story, Polish your Leadership Speaking skills and support you in delivery techniques to build a deeper confidence in “presenting with influence”! 3pm. There is a private guided walking tour of Central Park finishing around 5pm. That evening we will close the tour with Dinner and Drinks at a top NYC venue.
February 21, 2020
21ST FEBRUARY, POST-TOUR REFRESH & INTEGRATION WORKSHOP. Phase 3; (post-tour) Refresh & Integration Workshop. Three months after landing home end of Feb 2020 we will host a reunion catch up to refresh and look at how we are applying the learnings from the workshop and conference. Digital Women’s Network and I will be holding the cohort account and inspire action and ensure strategic use in your business and career..